Houseplant - Things about Indoor Plants

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Houseplant - Things about Indoor Plants
Houseplants - Definition, Types, Benefits, Common Houseplants You Can Grow Easily

Houseplants have a unique way of bringing life into a room and creating a peaceful atmosphere. Not to mention that indoor plants can boost your health. They can improve the air quality in your home and improve your overall lifestyle, whether you set them on a windowsill or in a shady area of your living room. But if you're a newbie with no green thumb, there's good news: the greatest indoor plants for your house are actually incredibly simple to care for.

What are houseplants(indoor plants)?

A houseplant, also known as a pot plant, potted plant, or indoor plant, is an ornamental plant that grows indoors. As such, they can be found in places such as homes and offices, primarily for decorative purposes. Common houseplants are typically tropical or semi-tropical in nature, and they are frequently epiphytes, succulents, or cacti.

Culture and History about Houseplants

Houseplant history is linked with the history of container gardening in general. Ornamental and fruiting plants were grown in ornate pots by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. Laurel trees were grown in clay jars by the Greeks and Romans. Over 2,500 years ago, potted plants were displayed at garden displays in ancient China.

Houseplants in contemporary culture and lifestyle

Beginning in the mid to late 2010s, social media, particularly Instagram, rejuvenated and popularised fashionable plants from previous decades, with "plantstagram" becoming a key driver of trendy plants. 5 million Americans took up plant-related activities in 2015. 30% of American households purchased at least one houseplant in 2017.

During the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, there was a surge in interest in indoor plants. Many people wanted to fill their houses with houseplants as they were compelled to spend more time indoors. In July 2021, plants were referenced on Instagram more than 3,000 times per day, and the hashtag #plantmom was used more than 2.6 million times. Plant sales in 2020 were at an all-time high, raising concerns about the industry's environmental effect.

Types of House plants

There are four kinds of houseplants, namely

  1. Tropical and subtropical houseplant
  2. Temperate houseplant
  3. Succulent
  4. Forced Bulb

List of 40+ House Plants; tropical, succulents, subtropical and temperate Houseplants

Tropical and subtropical Houseplants

Some of the most beautiful tropical plants you can grow indoors are bromeliads, flamingo flowers, orchids, tropical ferns, palm trees, monstera, and philodendrons. By definition, A tropical plant is one that grows in a tropical climate. A tropical environment is hot and humid, with temperatures consistently reaching 18 degrees Celsius and no frost days.

List of 30+ Evergreen and Tropical Houseplants you can grow in your house or indoor

  1. Chinese evergreen - Aglaonema

  2. Elephant Ear - Alocasia and Colocasia

  3. Anthurium

  4. Zebra plant - Aphelandra squarrosa

  5. Norfolk Island pine - Araucaria heterophylla

  6. Cast iron plant - Aspidistra elatior

  7. Begonia species

  8. Bromeliads - including air plants, pineapple

  9. Prayer plants - Calathea and Maranta

  10. Spider plant - Chlorophytum comosum

  11. Citrus - Meyer lemon

  12. Cyclamen

  13. Dracaena

  14. Dumbcane - Dieffenbachia

  15. Golden pothos - Epipremnum aureum

  16. Ferns and plants treated like ferns

  17. Asparagus fern Asparagus aethiopicus

  18. Boston fern Nephrolepis exaltata

  19. Ficus

  20. Rubber plant - Ficus elastica

  21. Weeping fig - Ficus benjamina

  22. Fiddle-leaf fig - Ficus lyrata

  23. Hoya

  24. Orchid - Orchidaceae

  25. Peperomia

  26. Palms

  27. Parlor Palm - Chamaedorea elegans

  28. Areca Palm - Dypsis lutescens

  29. Philodendron

  30. Swiss cheese plants - Monstera species

  31. Umbrella plant - Schefflera arboricola

  32. Gloxinia - Sinningia speciosa

  33. Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum

  34. Madagascar jasmine - Stephanotis floribunda

  35. African violets - Streptocarpus

  36. Purple Wandering Jew - Tradescantia zebrina

  37. Pilea peperomioides

  38. Satin Pothos - Scindapsus pictus


Many varieties of cacti and succulents are tiny enough to thrive as houseplants. By Definition, Succulent plants, often known as succulents, are plants having thickened, fleshy, and engorged portions that are used to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. The word succulent is derived from the Latin word sucus, which means juice or sap.

List of 15 Succulent and cacti houseplants you can grow in you house and indoor

  1. Aloe vera

  2. Cactus - Cactaceae

  3. Mother-in-law's tongue Sansevieria trifasciata

  4. Snake plant - Dracaena

  5. Orchid cacti - Epiphyllum

  6. Mammillaria

  7. Paddle Cactus Opuntia

  8. Christmas Cacti - Zygocactus

  9. Chin Cactus - Gymnocalycium mihanovichii

  10. Jade Plant - Crassula ovata

  11. Echeveria

  12. Haworthia

  13. Creeping Groundsel - Senecio angulatus

  14. String of Pearls - Senecio rowleyanus

  15. Yucca

Forced bulbs

Forcing bulbs to bloom out of season indoors by supplying them with ideal growing circumstances is referred to as forcing. Plant bulbs like paper white narcissus and amaryllis indoors now to wow your guests and family with magnificent, often fragrant indoor blooms in the coming months.

List of 7 Forced Bulbs house plants you can grow indoor or in your house and home.

  1. Crocus

  2. Amaryllis - Hippeastrum

  3. Hyacinth - Hyacinthus

  4. Narcissus or Daffodil - Narcissus

  5. Temperate plants

  6. English ivy - Hedera helix

  7. Strawberry Begonia - Saxifraga stolonifera

Houseplants potentially  dangerous

List of 17 common houseplants that can act dangerous to kids, pets and animals:

  1. amaryllis
  2. aloe vera
  3. azalea
  4. chrysanthemums
  5. cyclamen
  6. dieffenbachia
  7. English ivy
  8. jade
  9. jonquils
  10. lilies of many varieties
  11. mistletoe
  12. monstera deliciosa
  13. philodendron
  14. poinsettias
  15. pothos
  16. sago palm
  17. umbrella plant

Benefits of Houseplants in your life and environment you live in

symbiotic/mutual relationship: One of the most attractive aspects of caring for indoor plants is the amazing exchange that occurs: plants rely on us for care, and we take care of them by enhancing the air we breathe and making our place more healthy abnd beautiful.

Improve air quality:  Plants may improve the quality of indoor air. Scientific support for phytoremediation — that’s the word for plants scrubbing contaminants from the air — usually begins with a conducted in the 1980s. Researchers then were looking for ways to improve the air quality in a sealed spacecraft, and they concluded that the roots and soil of houseplants reduced airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs) significantly.

Improve air quality: Plants have the potential to improve the quality of indoor air. Typically, scientific support for phytoremediation — plants that cleanse toxins from the air — begins with a NASA research undertaken in the 1980s. Researchers were exploring for ways to improve the air quality in a sealed spacecraft when they discovered that the roots and soil of houseplants greatly reduced airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Reduce your stress: Indoor plants might help you relax. Plants at your house or office might help you feel more relaxed, soothed, and natural, according to a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology.

Enhance your well-being: Working with plants can be therapeutic. Indoor gardening can be beneficial for persons suffering from mental disease symptoms. Horticultural therapy has been utilised by  Researchers to improve feelings of well-being in persons suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia, and other disorders.

Real plants can help with cognitive wellness by sharpening your attention. Plastic plants, unfortunately, will not help you pass your examinations. In a tiny 29-person study, researchers placed students in a classroom with either a fake plant, a genuine plant, an image of a plant, or no plant at all.

Plants have the potential to increase your productivity. A bromeliad could be the best cubicle companion you've ever had. Several studies have demonstrated that having plants in the workplace boosts both productivity and creativity. Students at a college computer lab worked 12 percent quicker and were less anxious when plants were placed nearby, according to a widely referenced Research from 1996.

End of Houseplants and things about it XX

Categories: environment life style

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