Banned Books in India

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List of 30+ Banned Books in India
List of 50+ Banned Books in India, Image by Gary Inglese

"The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. - Oscar Wilde”

Various publications have been banned in India over the years for a variety of reasons ranging from defamation to insulting a community's religious feelings. Section 95 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, confers powers on the State Government to ban a book if it contains content that may "promote, or attempt to promote, enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, or disharmony, or feeling of enmity, hatred, or ill-will between different religious groups, and the publication of such matters is punishable under Section 95."

Common idea about humans as being somewhat closed-minded has long been a source of contention. It doesn't matter if it's about equal rights, social issues, or literature. Books are prohibited in India for a variety of reasons, ranging from being regarded too destructive to the nation's integrity to simply being offensive. Freedom of speech is a very tough line to tread, which is why there's never really any cause to restrict something simply for being shit. It also questions the intellectual freedom exercising in india, are we open to explore new ideas. 

List of 50+ Banned books in India, Since independence

Here are some of the books that are challenged/banned in India since independence,

Godman to Tycoon: The Untold Story of Baba Ramdev, By Priyanka Pathak Narain

Year 2017
Status Nationwide Ban

It was banned on the ground that it was extremely defamatory in nature for the protagonist.

Madhorubhagan, By Perumal Murugan

Year 2010
Status Previously Nationwide banned,currently available on E-Commerce websites.

It was alleged that the book contained materials that hurts the sentiments of the community, defamed women and outraged religious feelings. Subsequently after several protests, the author withdrew all the unsold copies of this novel. Petition were filed in the Madras High Court in order to ban the book but the petition was dismissed and book didn’t got banned.

Korkoi, By Joe D’Cruz

Year 2015
Status Nationwide Ban

Sahara: The Untold Story, By Tamal Bandyopadhyay

Year 2014
Status Nationwide Ban

A stay order was ordered on the release of this book by the Calcutta High Court. Though the book was released, but with a disclaimer given by Sahara.

The Descent of Air India, By Jitendra Bhargava

Year 2014
Status Nationwide Ban

The author who worked for almost two decades with Air India brings out his insider view about the ground reality of the company. All the book was withdrawn later on by the publisher because of defamation charges.

Santsurya Tukaram and Loksakha Dnyaneshwar, By Anand Yadav

Year 2014
Status Nationwide Ban

A magistrate in Pune ordered to destroy the copies of these two novels which is based on the lives of Sant Dnyaneshwar and Sant Tukaram. It was alleged that the contents of these novels were defamatory.

The Hindus: An Alternative History, By Wendy Doniger

Year 2014
Status Nationwide Ban

The book was withdrawn from the Indian market, prompting widespread concerns about the state of free speech in India. But after a period of twelve months, the book was republished under a different publisher.

Dhundi, By Yogesh Master

Year 2013
Status Nationwide Ban

Several Hindu organisations protested against this book and accused it to contain objectionable materials against god Ganesha.

Meendezhum Pandiyar Varalaru, By K. Senthil Mallar

Year 2013
Status Tamil Nadu

It was alleged that certain contents in this book was abusive against other castes and in the nature of spreading hatred and disharmony. SO, the Madras HC ordered to make alterations in the book and lifted the forfeiture.

Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and his Struggle with India, By Joseph Lelyveld

Year 2011
Status Gujarat Ban

It was interpreted and suggested in this biographical book that M.K. Gandhi was bisexual. Whereas according to the author the book only says that he was deeply attached to Kallenbach and did not explicitly stated that Gandhi was bisexual.

The Red Sari, Javier Moro

Year 2010
Status Nationwide Ban

Originally published in Spanish by the name ‘El Sari Rojo’, this book was alleged to be violating the privacy of a person for monetary gain. However, it was released in India in Jan, 2015 as it was not officially banned.

Such a Long Journey, By Rohinton Mistry

Year 2010
Status Mumbai Ban

Withdrawn by the Mumbai University from its Bachelor of Art (English) syllabus. The book allegedly contained anti-Shiv Sena passages and remarks derogatory to Maharastrians.

Jinnah: India, Partition, Independence, By Jaswant Singh

Year 2009
Status Gujarat Ban

Banned for containing defamatory references to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

The Life of Sri Aurobindo, Peter Heehs

Year 2008
Status Nationwide Ban

It was alleged that the book contains objectionable matters depicting distorted facts about the life and character of Sri Aurobindo. In 2004, a stay order was passed by the Odisha High Court on the release of the book.

Islam: A Concept of Political World Invasion, By R.V. Bhasin

Year 2007
Status Maharashtra Ban

SC upheld the ban and said that the author had used insulting comments on Muslim community, which is an aggravated form of criticism and can hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims.

The Da Vinci Code, By Dan Brown

Year 2006
Status Nagaland Ban

It was alleged that the novel could hurt the sentiments of the Christian beliefs. Ban was rejected by SC and several HCs .

The True Furqan, By Al Saffee & Al Mahdee

Year 2005
Status Nationwide Ban

Islamic groups declared the book as a Christian propaganda and claimed that it slyly mocked at Islam. Some even claimed it was a US-Israel pact to insult Islam. Though it was essentially a Christian world versus Islam phenomenon, the Indian government took exception to it and banned its import.

Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India,By James Laine

Year 2004
Status Maharashtra Ban

In 2004, this book was banned as it contained disparaging remarks about Chhatrapati Shivaji. But the ban was lifted in 2010 by the Supreme Court.

Dwikhandito, By Taslima Nasreen

Year 2003
Status West Bengal Ban

Banned for allegedly hurting the sentiments of the Muslim community. On 22nd September, 2005, the Calcutta High Court lifted the ban.

Lajja, By Tasleema Nasreen

Year 2003
Status West Bengal Ban

Banned by the West Bengal government.

Five Past Midnight in Bhopal, By Dominique Lapierre and Javier Moro

Year 2002
Status Nationwide Ban

The book was banned after Swaraj Puri, the commissioner of Bhopal during that period, filed a defamation suit. Later, the ban was lifted by the Madhya Pradesh high court.

Bhavsagar Granth, By various

Year 2001
Status Punjab Ban

The Myth of the Holy Cow, By Dwijendra Narayan Jha

Year 2002
Status Nationwide Ban

The book allegedly said that beef was eaten by ancient Indians. The author received anonymous threat calls and had to be provided a police escort.

Towards Freedom, By Sumit Sarkar and K.N. Panikkar

Year 2000
Status Nationwide Ban

The publication of this book was temporarily withheld by the ICHR in 2000 because it portrayed Hindu Maha sabha in a bad light.

Basava Vachana Deepti, By Mate Mahadevi

Year 1997
Status Nationwide Ban

It was banned because she changed Basavanna’s pen name from ‘Kudalasangama Deva’ to ‘Linga Deva’.

The Moor’s Last Sigh, By Salman Rushdie

Year 1995
Status Nationwide Ban

The Indian government placed a de facto ban on the novel, claiming that the fictional Ramar Fielding seemed to be a thinly veiled version of Bal Thackeray, one of India's most prominent Hindu nationalist politicians. But later in 1996, the ban was lifted by the Supreme Court.

Understanding Islam through Hadis, By Ram Swarup

Year 1991
Status Nationwide Ban

It tackles the issues of political Islam. It was claimed that the book was offensive to Muslims.

Soft Target: How the Indian Intelligence Service Penetrated Canada, By Zuhair Kashmeri & Brian McAndrew

Year 1989
Status Nationwide Ban

The authors argue that Indian intelligence agencies, determined to discredit the Sikh bid for an independent state, penetrated not only Sikh communities but also the RCMP and CSIS. The book claims the government of India was involved in the plane's bombing.

The Polyester Prince: The Rise of Dhirubhai Ambani, By Hamish McDonald

Year 1988
Status Mumbai Ban

Unofficial biography of late Dhirubhai Ambani. Banned for being slanderous against the Ambani family. Never got published in India.

The Satanic Verses, By Salman Rushdie

Year 1988
Status Nationwide Ban

Banned by Rajiv Gandhi’s government.

Smash and Grab: Annexation of Sikkim, By Sunanda K. Dattaray

Year 1984
Status Nationwide Ban

The book dealt with India's annexation of Sikkim. The Delhi High Court had stopped its publication after a political officer station in Gangtok at the time filed a defamation suit. The book was later allowed for release.

The Price of Power: Kissinger and Nixon in the White House, By Seymour Hersh

Year 1983
Status Nationwide Ban

Banned for suggesting that Morarji Desai was a CIA informant.

Who Killed Gandhi, By Lourenco De Sadvandor

Year 1979
Status Nationwide Ban

Considered to be “poorly researched” and “inflammatory”.

India Independent, By Charles Bettelheim

Year 1976
Status Nationwide Ban

Banned for criticizing the policies of the Indian government. 

Early Islam, By Desmond Stewart

Year 1975
Status Nationwide Ban

The book purportedly contains grievous factual errors.

Nehru: A Political Biography, By Michael Edwards

Year 1975
Status Nationwide Ban

Government considered grievous factual errors in this book.

Man from Moscow, By Greville Wynne

Year 1970
Status Nationwide Ban

The book was banned for purportedly misrepresenting Indian policies.

A Struggle between two lines over the question of How to deal with U.S. imperialism, By Fan Asid-Chu

Year 1969
Status Nationwide Ban

This book cannot be imported into India.

The Jewel in the Lotus, By Allen Edwardes

Year 1968
Status Nationwide Ban

Import prohibited absolutely.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover, By D.H. Lawrence

Year 1964
Status Nationwide Ban

Banned on the grounds of obscenity.

An Area of Darkness, By V.S. Naipaul

Year 1964
Status Nationwide Ban

Banned for its negative portrayal of India and its people.

Ayesha, By Kurt Frischler

Year 1963
Status Nationwide Ban

Cannot be imported into India.

Unarmed Victory, By Bertrand Russell

Year 1963
Status Nationwide Ban

The book dealt with the Sino-Indian War which India lost.

Nepal, Toni Hagen

Year 1963
Status Nationwide Ban

Author First foreigner to travel Nepal, accused of supporting 1959 Tibetan Uprising fueling Khampa Revolution (a guirella military revolution) against China using Nepalese soil.

Nine Hours to Rama, By Stanley Wolpert

Year 1962
Status Nationwide Ban

The book was thought to be justifying the actions of Nathuram Godse who murdered Gandhi.

The Lotus and the Rama, By Arthur Koestler

Year 1960
Status Nationwide Ban

Criticized the Indian democracy. It cannot be imported into India. Also, this book has often been criticized as ill-researched.

The Heart of India, Alexander Campbell

Year 1959
Status Nationwide Ban

The book is a fictionalized and humorous account of Indian bureaucracy and economic policy-making.

Captive Kashmir, by Aziz Beg

Year 1958
Status Nationwide Ban

This book cannot be imported into India.

Rama Retold or The Ramayana, by Aubrey Menen

Year 1956
Status Nationwide Ban

It was a play which was a spoof of The Ramayana.

What has religion done for mankind, By Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

Year 1955
Status Nationwide Ban

This book tries to refute Eastern religions and cannot be imported into India.

Dark Urge, By Robert W. Taylor

Year 1955
Status Nationwide Ban

This book cannot be imported into India.

Bhupat Singh, by Kaluwank Ravatwank

Year 1954
Status Nationwide Ban

Chandramohini, By Ansar Nasiri

Year 1952
Status Nationwide Ban

It was banned on the ground that it was extremely defamatory in nature for the protagonist.

Marka-e-Somnath, By Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Hussain Sahab Sadiq Siddhiqui Sardanvi

Year 1952
Status Nationwide Ban

Written in Urdu, cannot be imported into India.

Pakistan-Pasmanzarwa Peshmanzar, By Hameed Anwar

Year 1950
Status Nationwide Ban

Originally written in Urdu, cannot be imported into India.

Khak Aur Khoon. By Naseem Hijazi

Year 1950
Status Nationwide Ban

A 1950 book, banned nationwide. This book portrays the true face of the Hindu fanaticism at the time of Independence when the Hindus tried to rob the Muslims who were trying to escape to Pakistan during the partition.

Cease-Fire, By Agha Babar

Year 1950
Status Nationwide Ban

Originally written in Urdu, cannot be imported into India.

End of List of Challenged books in india after Independence

"Banning books give us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight. Stephen Chbosky, "

Categories: culture list literature

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