Anime Characters

It's never been more fun to be an anime lover. The days of waiting all day to watch what will run on Animax or Toonami are over. Because of the proliferation of streaming channels and the popularity of the genre, this is an excellent time for anime enthusiasts to watch both new and vintage anime. As a result, we have this list. We were able to watch all of our favorite shows, which prompted us to consider the best anime characters of all time, from deep-cut favorites to anime pioneers.
Before we begin, here are some ground rules regarding how we arrived at this decision. Each character was chosen for their long-term effect, role in anime history, and, of course, how much we like them here at raagee. Choosing only 50 was one of the most difficult things we've faced, but that's the type of sacrifice we make for you (plenty of favorites just missed this list, from Shotaro Kaneda to Char Aznable to Goku). Our anime specialists collaborated and made difficult decisions so that we could honor the greatest of the best.
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Here starts a List of Best Anime Characters of all time(Last Updated 7 November, 2022)
1. Lamperouge, Lelouch(ルルーシュ・ランペルージ)
Appearance | Hangyaku no Lelouch |
Status | Dead |
Birthdate | December 5, 1999 |
No. of Votes | 159,361 |
The protagonist of the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is Lelouch vi Britannia, also known as Lelouch Lamperouge. Lelouch, a former prince of the superpower Britannia, receives the "Geass" power from a witch by the name of C.C. in the television series.
2. Levi, (リヴァイ)
Appearance | Shingeki no Kyojin |
Status | Alive |
Birthdate | December 25th |
No. of Votes | 132,668 |
Levi Ackerman, also known as Captain Levi (Rivai Heich), is the squad leader of the Special Operations Squad in the Survey Corps and is regarded as the strongest soldier in all of humanity.
3. Monkey D., Luffy(モンキー・D・ルフィ)
Appearance | One Piece |
Status | Alive |
Birthdate | May 5th |
No. of Votes | 123,184 |
Straw Hat Luffy, often known as Monkey D. Luffy, is the main character of the manga and anime series One Piece. He is one of the finest combatants and the founding captain of the feared and formidable Straw Hat Pirates. He has informed only his brothers and crew about his secret dream, which is to retrieve the famous wealth left behind by the deceased Gol D. Roger and become the Pirate King.
4. Lawliet, L, (エル ローライト)
Appearance | Death Note |
Status | Dead |
Birthdate | October 31, 1979 |
No. of Votes | 121,268 |
L, a renowned investigator, accepts the task of apprehending Kira, a serial killer. L grows sceptical of Light Yagami during his inquiry and sets out to establish Light's Kira identity.
5. Roronoa, Zoro, (ロロノア・ゾロ)
Appearance | One Piece |
Status | Alive |
Birthdate | November 11th |
No. of Votes | 97,994 |
As one of the Straw Hat Pirates' two swordsmen and one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Roronoa Zoro, also known as "Pirate Hunter" Zoro, engages in warfare. He is the second member of Luffy's crew and the first to join it, doing so in the Romance Dawn Arc. He was once a bounty hunter.
6. Yagami, Light, (夜神 月)
Appearance | Death Note |
Status | Alive |
Birthdate | February 28, 1995 |
No. of Votes | 91,069 |
The primary character of the Death Note series is Light Yagami. He plans to utilise the Death Note to eradicate criminals after finding it. The inhabitants of Japan finally accuse "Kira" of carrying out his murders.
7. Zoldyck, Killua, (キルア=ゾルディック)
Appearance | Hunter x Hunter |
Birthdate | June 15th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 90,244 |
The heir to the Zoldyck Family and the third child of Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck runs away from home and becomes a rookie hunter. He is Alluka Zoldyck's travelling companion and Gon Freecss' closest buddy.
8. Okabe, Rintarou, (岡部 倫太郎)
Appearance | Steins;Gate |
Birthdate | December 14th, 1991 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 90,093 |
The main character of the Steins;Gate series is a self-described crazy scientist by the names of Rintaro Okabe, sometimes known as Okarin or Hououin Kyouma.
9. Elric, Edward, (エドワード・エルリック)
Appearance | Fullmetal Alchemist |
Birthdate | 3 February |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 84,145 |
The title character of the Fullmetal Alchemist series is Edward Elric, usually referred to as Ed or the Fullmetal Alchemist. Ed was the youngest State Alchemist in history when he received his certification at age twelve, despite having lost his right arm and left leg as a result of an unsuccessful effort at human transmutation.
10. Uzumaki, Naruto, (うずまき ナルト)
Appearance | Naruto |
Birthdate | October 10 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 79,277 |
A shinobi from the Uzumaki clan of Konohagakure, Naruto Uzumaki. On the day of his birth, he was made the jinchriki of the Nine-Tails, a fate that forced him to grow up being despised by the majority of Konoha. Naruto put a lot of effort into winning the village's respect once he joined Team Kakashi, all the while pursuing his ambition to become Hokage. Through several trials and tribulations over the ensuing years, he developed into a skilled ninja who was revered as a hero by both the villagers and, shortly after, the rest of the world, earning the moniker "Hero of the Hidden Leaf" (Konohagakure no Eiy, literally "Hero of the Hidden Tree Leaves").
11. Guts, (ガッツ)
Appearance | Kenpuu Denki Berserk |
Birthdate | April 1st, |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 70,546 |
Former mercenary Guts, also known as the "Black Swordsman," is a notorious traveller who wanders the globe while being torn between pursuing his own goals and keeping his ties to people who are important to him.
12. Sakata, Gintoki(坂田 銀時)
Appearance | Gintama |
Birthdate | 10 October/ Libra |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 70,098 |
The lead character in the Gintama series is Gintoki Sakata. He is the creator and leader of the Yorozuya and a highly accomplished samurai who has participated in previous battles such as the Joui War. Due to his mastery of the sword, demonic appearance, white attire, and silver hair during the war, he earned the nickname "Shiroyasha," which means "White Yaksha," a type of demon in Buddhism and Hinduism.
13. Yeager, Eren(エレン・イェーガー)
Appearance | Shingeki no Kyojin |
Birthdate | March 30th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 62,307 |
Eren Yeager served in the Survey Corps in the past. He served as Attack on Titan's main protagonist. He and his parents resided in Shiganshina District up until the fall of Wall Maria, when he helplessly watched as a Titan devoured his mother. Eren would develop a deep hatred for the Titans as a result of this incident, and he would vow to eradicate them all from the face of the Earth.
14. Makise, Kurisu(牧瀬 紅莉栖)
Appearance | Steins;Gate |
Birthdate | July 25th, 1992 |
Status | Dead/Alive |
No. of Votes | 62,246 |
One of Steins;Gate's key protagonists, Kurisu also appears prominently in Steins;Gate 0 via Amadeus. She is mentioned in passing in Chaos;Child, and in Robotics;Notes and Robotics;Notes DaSH, she interacts with readers via the in-universe Twitter (Twipo). Also a brief appearance in Anonymous's code (Amadeus)
15. Uchiha, Itachi(うちは イタチ)
Appearance | Naruto |
Birthdate | June 9 |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 61,267 |
Itachi Uchiha was an Anbu Captain and a member of the Uchiha clan from Konohagakure. After killing every member of his clan, he subsequently turned into a worldwide criminal, only saving his little brother Sasuke. After that, he joined the international gang known as Akatsuki, whose activities frequently pitted him against Konoha and its ninja, including Sasuke, who wanted to exact revenge on their clan by killing Itachi. Itachi was a devoted shinobi of Konohagakure to the very end, but after his death, it was revealed that his motivations were more nuanced than first thought and that his actions had always been done for the benefit of his brother and village.
16. Ackerman, Mikasa(ミカサ・アッカーマン)
Appearance | Shingeki no Kyojin |
Birthdate | February 10th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 52,398 |
Along with Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman serves as one of the two deuteragonists in the show. Mikasa lived with Eren Yeager and his parents, Grisha and Carla, before Wall Maria fell after Eren saved her after her parents were killed by human traffickers. She is the last member of the Shogun clan to remain on Paradis Island, making her a member of the Azumabito clan and a powerful political figure in Hizuru.
17. Hikigaya, Hachiman(比企谷 八幡)
Appearance | Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru |
Birthdate | August 8th, 1994 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 49,942 |
The main character and viewpoint character of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru is Hachiman Hikigaya. He is the second person in the Service Club and a student at Sbu High School's Class 2F.
18. Kaneki, Ken(金木 研)
Appearance | Tokyo Ghoul |
Birthdate | December 20 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 48,361 |
The series' central character, Ken Kaneki, is known as Tokyo Ghoul. He is now Ichika Kaneki's father and Touka Kirishima's spouse. He used to be a student at Kamii University studying Japanese literature and leading a very regular life. But as soon as Rize Kamishiro's kakuhou was implanted inside him and turned him into a one-eyed ghoul, this abruptly altered. The first artificial one-eyed ghoul is known as Kaneki. His singular half-ghoul condition serves as the basis for the Quinx concept. He learns how to live as a ghoul after working as a part-time waiter for Anteiku and eventually takes the name Eyepatch.
19. Gojou, Satoru(五条 悟)
Appearance | Jujutsu Kaisen |
Birthdate | December 7, 1989 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 46,460 |
One of the key characters in the Jujutsu Kaisen series is Satoru Gojo. He is the strongest man in the entire planet and a special grade jujutsu sorcerer. Satoru, the first person to inherit both the Limitless and the Six Eyes in four hundred years, is the pride of the Gojo Family. He used his position of power to safeguard and develop dependable young allies while working as a teacher at the Tokyo Jujutsu High.
20. Saitama(サイタマ)
Appearance | One Punch Man |
Birthdate | 21st April |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 45,505 |
Saitama, also known as One-Punch Man, is the series' central character. He presently holds the title of being the series' most powerful character. Saitama, who is now too powerful to have any excitement from fight, is forced to deal with an existential dilemma.
21. Hatake, Kakashi(はたけ カカシ)
Appearance | Naruto |
Birthdate | September 15th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 45,093 |
Shinobi from the Hatake clan of Konohagakure include Kakashi Hatake. He is one of Konoha's most skilled ninja, known as Kakashi of the Sharingan, and is frequently relied upon for guidance and leadership despite his own aversion to accountability. Kakashi stresses the value of teamwork to his Team 7 students; he learned this lesson from his childhood friend Obito Uchiha, who also gave him the Sharingan. Kakashi succeeds as the Sixth Hokage of Konoha following the Fourth Shinobi World War.
22. Rem(レム)
Appearance | Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu |
Birthdate | February 2 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 44,158 |
With her sister Ram, Rem works as a maid for margrave Roswaal L Mathers. She plays significant roles in Arcs 2, 3, and 7 of Re:Zero, making her one of the primary supporting characters. She also had a supporting role in Arc 2's first half as the antagonist.
23. Spiegel, Spike(スパイク・スピーゲル)
Appearance | Cowboy Bebop |
Birthdate | June 26th, 2044 |
Status | Unknown |
No. of Votes | 43,795 |
Bounty hunter Spike Spiegel and his crew sail through space on a spacecraft called the Bebop. Spike used to be a part of the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate before he started out as a bounty hunter. Spike demonstrated a wide range of skills and aptitudes, including proficiency in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.
24. Senjougahara, Hitagi(戦場ヶ原 ひたぎ)
Appearance | Bakemonogatari |
Birthdate | July 7th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 39,404 |
Hitagi Senjougahara, a third-year student at Naoetsu Private High School, is perceived as a remote individual who appears fragile and suffers from a "incurable ailment." Her well guarded secret is revealed after an unintentional run-in with Koyomi Araragi, which sets off a series of events that will change her life. She adopts the identity Senshougahara and is given the moniker Gahara during the course of the series.
25. Kirigaya, Kazuto(桐ヶ谷 和人)
Appearance | Sword Art Online |
Birthdate | October 7, 2008 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 39,296 |
The main character of the Sword Art Online series is Kirigaya Kazuto, also known as Narusaka Kazuto, who was born. Kirito appears in the games Sword Art Online (SAO), Alfheim Online (ALO), Gun Gale Online (GGO), Project Alicization, and Unital Ring. Sword Art Online was the first Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) for the NerveGear, and Kirito was chosen to be one of the 1,000 beta testers for the closed beta. Kirito later joined the official version of the game.
26. Megumin(めぐみん)
Appearance | Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! |
Birthdate | July 24th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 39,101 |
The first member of Kazuma's party is Megumin, an Arch Wizard of the Crimson Magic Clan in the Fantasy World. She is one of the KonoSuba series' key characters.
27. Yato(夜ト)
Appearance | Noragami |
Birthdate | 10 August |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 38,815 |
One of the primary three protagonists of Noragami is Yato, also known by his given name, Yaboku. He is a mysterious god who desires to be a God of Fortune. He used to be regarded as a God of Calamity.
28. Joestar, Joseph(ジョセフ・ジョースター)
Appearance | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken |
Birthdate | September 27, 1920 |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 38,619 |
Joseph Joestar serves as both the primary protagonist and an ally in Parts 2 through 4. In the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, he is the second JoJo. He also appears in the series the second-most often as JoJo. Joseph is a natural-born Ripple user who eventually learned to utilise a Stand. He now uses Hermit Purple, a psychic photographic Stand.
29. Sakurajima, Mai(桜島 麻衣)
Appearance | Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai |
Birthdate | December 2 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 36,111 |
The Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai series' protagonist is Mai Sakurajima. She is a well-known actress and model who is a third-year student at Sakuta Azusagawa's alma mater, Minegahara High School.
30. Zero Two(ゼロツー)
Appearance | Darling in the FranXX |
Birthdate | Unknown |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 35,888 |
The primary protagonist and deuteragonist of DARLING in the FRANXX is Zero Two. She is a hybrid of a human and klaxo sapien who fights largely on the front lines as a member of the APE Special Forces. Due to her horns and Klaxosaur blood, Zero Two, an elite Parasite with the codename "002," also known as the "Partner Killer," has always embraced isolation. She was used to battling alone and had little concern for human life or her own, but she became interested in Hiro and gave him the chance to fly with her, making him her new companion and "darling". When Hiro was able to accompany her on more than three occasions, the two joined the 13th Plantation as its newest members and took control of the potent FRANXX Strelizia.
31. Mustang, Roy(ロイ・マスタング)
Appearance | Fullmetal Alchemist |
Birthdate | March 25 1885 |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 35,517 |
The protagonist of the Fullmetal Alchemist series is Roy Mustang, also referred to as the Flame Alchemist. He serves as an officer in the Amestrian State Military and is a State Alchemist. Colonel Mustang, a hero of the Ishval Civil War and Edward Elric's senior officer, is a tremendously skillful leader who intends to succeed Führer Amestris.
32. Morow, Hisoka(ヒソカ・モロウ)
Appearance | Hunter x Hunter |
Birthdate | June 6, 1971 |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 34,546 |
Hisoka Morow, a Hunter who formerly belonged to the Phantom Troupe as member #4, had the third-strongest physique of the team. He spares those who have tremendous promise, like Gon and Killua, so that they can grow strong enough to genuinely fight him. He is constantly looking for powerful opponents. He started off as the main adversary of the Hunter Exam and Heavens Arena arcs before switching to a supporting role in those stories' Yorknew City and Greed Island iterations. He returns to the 13th Hunter Chairman Election storyline as a supporting adversary.
33. Evergarden, Violet(ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン)
Appearance | Violet Evergarden |
Birthdate | 27 June, 1904 |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 32,339 |
The main character in the Violet Evergarden series is Violet Evergarden. Violet is a former soldier who served in the Leidenschaftlich army and was used as little more than a weapon throughout the conflict. After the war, Violet worked as an Auto Memories Doll at the CH Postal Company in an effort to comprehend the significance of the words "I love you," which her major Gilbert Bougainvillea had said to her during the final battle of the war.
34. Oshino, Shinobu(忍野 忍)
Appearance | Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen, Nisemonogatari |
Birthdate | June 29th |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 32,200 |
In the ruins of Eikou Cram School, Meme Oshino is joined by Shinobu Oshino, a mystery vampire girl. She spends the daytime under Koyomi Araragi's shadow later in the series. When she was a human child princess, she went by the name Rola (probably supposed to be Laura, Lola, or Lora in English, though it might be a reference to Acerola), and she was cursed to make anybody who came in contact with her commit suicide.
35. Kamina(カミナ)
Appearance | Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann |
Birthdate | April 15th |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 31,979 |
The creator and original captain of Team Gurren as well as the deuteragonist of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's first arc was a young guy from Giha Village named Kamina. Kamina prides himself on being "manly and rugged," and he is tall and well-built. He typically sports his signature red sunglasses to hide his red eyes, and he has short, blue, spiky hair.
36. Dazai, Osamu(太宰 治)
Appearance | Bungou Stray Dogs |
Birthdate | June 19 |
Status | Dead |
No. of Votes | 31,659 |
Osamu Dazai is a former official of the criminal organisation known as the Port Mafia and a member of the Armed Detective Agency. He possesses the talent No Longer Human. Young Dazai has short, dark brown hair that is lightly curly and narrow, dark brown eyes. While part of his bangs are collected in the middle of his forehead, others frame his face. He has a thin build and is pretty tall.
37. Aisaka, Taiga(逢坂 大河)
Appearance | Toradora! |
Birthdate | July 27th, 1988 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 31,422 |
The Toradora! series' primary female lead is Taiga Aisaka. She is referred to as the "Palmtop Tiger" because of how brutally she frequently snaps at others and because of her tiny stature. Taiga seems to be a younger child while being a teenager due to her extremely small height. Ami regularly makes fun of her for this. Taiga has wide, dark amber eyes that she received from her father, along with long, wavy, light brown hair that falls beyond her waist in waves.
38. Reigen, Arataka(霊幻 新隆)
Appearance | Mob Psycho 100 |
Birthdate | October 10th |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 31,315 |
Mob reports to and is mentored by Arataka Reigen. He calls himself the "Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century" and runs the Spirits and Such Consultation Office. Tall and reddish-blonde with unkempt bangs, Reigen has dark brown eyes. He is also very animated, with facial expressions that can range from attractive to terrifying, and he frequently perspires a lot.
39. Emilia(エミリア)
Appearance | Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu |
Birthdate | September 23 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 31,145 |
The protagonist of the Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu series is Emilia. She is a half-elf and a contender in the Royal Selection to become the 42nd King of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica. Emilia, who made her appearance right at the beginning of the series, is perhaps its most significant character because most of the plot revolves on her.
40. Saber(セイバー)
Appearance | Fate/stay night, Fate/Zero |
Birthdate | April 10 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 31,030 |
Saber, along with Sakura Matou and Rin Tohsaka, is one of the three major heroines in Fate/Stay Night and one of the main protagonists in Fate/Zero. She is Shirou Emiya's Saber Class Servant in the Fifth Holy Grail War of Fate/Stay Night and Kiritsugu Emiya's Saber Class Servant in the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero.
41. Ayanokouji, Kiyotaka(綾小路 清隆)
Appearance | Classroom of the Elite |
Birthdate | October 20 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 30,606 |
The You-Zitsu series' primary protagonist is Kiyotaka Ayanoki. He is a second-year Advanced Nurturing High School student right now. He was assigned to D-Class after passing the entrance exam with exactly 50 points in every subject. He is seated next to Suzune Horikita in the back left corner of the classroom in the anime adaptation.
42. Onizuka, Eikichi(鬼塚 英吉)
Appearance | Great Teacher Onizuka |
Birthdate | March 19, 1978 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 29,737 |
The main character of the Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) series is Eikichi Onizuka. They used to be referred to as the Oni-Baku, the strongest fighting team in Shonan, together with his best friend Ryuji Danma. Having successfully helped a troublesome JK, he made the decision to become a teacher. Onizuka is a 22-year-old bachelor and teacher at Holy Forest Academy in the original manga and anime. He teaches the difficult Classes 3–4 there as their homeroom instructor. Although he teaches social studies, he is recognised throughout the school for his ability to teach his students valuable life skills.
43. Kurosaki, Ichigo(黒崎 一護)
Appearance | Bleach |
Birthdate | July 15 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 29,379 |
Ichigo Kurosaki is a Human who also works as a Shinigami Substitute. Ichigo is the elder brother of Karin and Yuzu and the son of Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki. He has a son named Kazui Kurosaki and is also married to Orihime Inoue.
44. Gasai, Yuno(我妻 由乃)
Appearance | Mirai Nikki |
Birthdate | November 16 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 28,625 |
The main female lead of the Future Diary series is Yuno Gasai. The "Yukiteru Diary/ Diary of Future Love" belongs to her and she is the Second in the Survival Game. Yukiteru Amano, the story's main male protagonist, has become her obsession. He is the love of her life.
45. Yuuki, Asuna(結城 明日奈 / アスナ)
Appearance | Sword Art Online |
Birthdate | September 30, 2007 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 28,555 |
Yuuki Asuna is the main protagonist of the Sword Art Online series, the deuteragonist of the Aincrad Arc, and the major character of the Mother's Rosario side narrative in "Sword Art Online" (SAO), "Alfheim Online" (ALO), and "Project Alicization," where she had briefly used the Stacia account. She is the offspring of RECT Inc.'s former CEO. Asuna, a sub-leader of the "Knights of the Blood" (KoB) guild, was one of the 10,000 gamers entrapped in "Sword Art Online." She was known as The Flash because of her prowess with the rapier.
46. Araragi, Koyomi(阿良々木 暦)
Appearance | Bakemonogatari |
Birthdate | 14 April |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 28,041 |
The main character and most frequent narrator of the Monogatari series is Koyomi Araragi. He is a third-year high school student who only managed to reclaim his human existence after surviving a vampire attack over spring break. He has been associated with the vampire that attacked him, Shinobu Oshino, ever since, and he has continued to give her his blood. He still possesses some vampire characteristics, such as regeneration, and is thus not totally human.
47. Sanji(サンジ)
Appearance | One Piece |
Birthdate | March 2 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 27,687 |
Dark Leg The Straw Hat Pirates' cook and one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet is Sanji, also known by his birth name Vinsmoke Sanji. He joined near the end of the Baratie Arc, making him the crew's fourth newcomer and the fifth overall. He was the fourth child and third son of the Vinsmoke Family when he was born, and he twice disowned them—once when he was younger and again after rejoining with them as an adult. He later accepted Zeff's care as the Baratie's sous chef after running away from the Vinsmokes as a young child and remained there until he met Monkey D. Luffy, who persuaded him to join his crew.
48. Uchiha, Sasuke(うちは サスケ)
Appearance | Naruto |
Birthdate | July 23 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 27,465 |
One of the last remaining Uchiha clan members from Konohagakure is Sasuke Uchiha (, Uchiha Sasuke). Itachi, his older brother, massacred their clan, and Sasuke made it his life's work to exact revenge on Itachi. Sasuke joins Team 7 after becoming a ninja, where he competes against his friend and foe Naruto Uzumaki to hone his talents. He defected from Konoha because he was dissatisfied with his development in order to gain the strength he needs to exact his retribution. As a result of his years-long quest for retribution and the events that followed, he became increasingly demanding, unreasonable, and alone, earning the label of "international criminal."
49. Alucard(アーカード)
Appearance | Hellsing |
Birthdate | April 9th 1431 |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 27,053 |
The main character in Kouta Hirano's Hellsing series is Alucard (pronounced "kdo"). He is the Hellsing Organization's most potent weapon in the fight against vampires and other supernatural beings. Alucard is more than just a vampire; it has been suggested that he is the most potent vampire still living. He may also be the most potent character in the entire series, only being surpassed by The Captain and Alexander Anderson in power. He serves Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, the head of the Hellsing Organization, with great loyalty and is also Seras Victoria's master.
50. Holo(ホロ)
Appearance | Ookami to Koushinryou |
Birthdate | Ageless |
Status | Alive |
No. of Votes | 26,823 |
The deuteragonist of Spice and Wolf is Holo (, Horo). She is a wolf spirit that resides in the wheat and is not human. Holo, who was born in Yoitsu, finally made her way to Pasloe, where she settled as the community's wheat goddess. She left the field she had been residing in after spending generations keeping an eye on Pasloe by taking up residence in the wheat on a merchant's waggon. After thereafter, she accompanied the merchant Kraft Lawrence on his journeys.
Some of Worthy Mention that didnt make it to list of top 50 but did make it to the Top 100 Best anime characters
51 Souryuu, Asuka Langley
52 Todoroki, Shouto
53 C.C.
54 Son, Goku
55 Midoriya, Izuku
56 Miyazono, Kaori
57 Smith, Erwin
58 Kuujou, Joutarou
59 Toosaka, Rin
60 Shinomiya, Kaguya
61 Orihara, Izaya
62 Akemi, Homura
63 Kamado, Tanjirou
64 Oreki, Houtarou
65 Dragneel, Natsu
66 Askeladd
67 Yukinoshita, Yukino
68 Kageyama, Shigeo
69 Bakugou, Katsuki
70 Kurapika
71 Michaelis, Sebastian
72 Liebert, Johan
73 Saiki, Kusuo
74 Ishigami, Yuu
75 Kitagawa, Marin
76 Makima
77 Freecss, Gon
78 Nakano, Miku
79 Revy
80 Tempest, Rimuru
81 Tokisaki, Kurumi
82 Senkuu
83 Arlert, Armin
84 Satou, Kazuma
85 Koro-sensei
86 Usui, Takum
87 Takanashi, Rikka
88 Gremory, Rias
89 Scarlet, Erza
90 Trafalgar, Law
91 Fujiwara, Chika
92 Vegeta
93 Power
94 Ikari, Shinji
95 Nico, Robin
96 Nakano, Itsuki
97 Hinata, Shouyou
98 Ayanami, Rei
99 Zoë, Hange
100 Natsuki, Subaru
This was the list of Best Anime Characters of all time, Hope you enjoyed the read. Thank you, don't Forget to share with Friends.